Line Training courses
Ground School(GS)
Line Training(LT)
Ground School
E190 Autoflight system
Form completion 4.00 Systems Knowledge and Use Reference(s) Initial Name Date 4.01 Use of FMS KP Pascoe 21May11 Alternate Page Use FCOM: 11.43.19-26 (limitations of predictions until flight data is added,slow update intervals, limited accuracy) SW Airborne up linking(winds/route revisions) FCOM: 5.40.16-17; FCOM: 11.34.4-12 PH
Course content
Course on the autoflight system of the E190.
2 days
Price per participant:
821 EUR
Scheduled dates
None, request by mail
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Line Training courses
Ground School(GS)
Line Training(LT)